Basketball Court

You may find this to be strange
what I am about to report
But the other day I was a juror
for the Basketball court
You see, three steps without dribbling
is one step too many
And according to little Jimmy
He did not take any
So he went to court in an attempt
to dispute the referees claim
But he was still found guilty
of traveling during the game.
Piano Player

He has the speed to play center field
He never misses a fly ball.
He can catch them on the run
Or back up against the wall.
He is as good with a bat in hand.
You should see him at the plate.
He hits for avergae and for power
I'm telling you this kid is great.
He even plays tunes in between innings
This kid is destined for fame
He 's got all the tools to be a star
The Piano Players' got game.
Blind Leading the Blind

I saw two Venetian blinds,
walking one behind the other.
Straight across an open field,
They were looking for their Mother.
I heard them say they were going to check,
the local lost and found.
I would think she is on a window somewhere.
Securely hanging around.
I do not believe that there is much,
that these two can find.
Cause this is the perfect example of
the blind leading the blind.
Snowball Fight

How it got started, when it will end,
I’m not sure I know.
I believe it began just this morning,
With the first flakes of snow.
The birds, they watched from above,
And the squirrels they were cheering. I was astonished at the sight,
And all the things I was hearing.
I tried to stop it, and break it up,
This nasty Snowball Fight.
But from the looks of these two guys,
It could go on all night.
Tortoise and the Hair

It’s kind of funny how stories get twisted,
As you whisper down the lane.
The tortoise and the hair is one of those stories
That started out pretty plain.
A rabbit racing a turtle,
No way that contest is fair.
This was really quite simply about,
A tortoise with big hair.
It was not just a regular hair-do,
Just ask his friend the worm.
This slow old tortoise walked around,
With a very curly perm.
Traffic Jam

He had to get to the bread.
He was going to take the country road,
But took the highway instead.
This turned out to be a big mistake,
cause as he appraoched the light.
There was traffic everywhere,
to the left and to the right.
He figured there was something wrong,
Cause he heard a big loud bam.
There was an accident at the corner,
That caused a Traffic Jam.
Screw Driver

I was cruising down the road,
Not going very fast.
When over to the left,
A sports car went on past.
I turned my head just slightly,
And saw it was midnight blue.
And much to my surprise,
It was being driven by a screw.
He had commend of the vehicle,
His skills they really showed.
As he twisted, and turned his way,
Down the winding road.
He obviously had his license,
The Screw Driver did everything right.
He obeyed every traffic sign.
And stopped at every light.